November 5, 2024 8:21 pm
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Untold Stories From the End of Slavery West Virginia’s role in the end of slavery is rarely discussed today. In its statehood, the WV Constitution ended slavery in what could be the first ever Constitutional banning of slavery in human history. When President Lincoln accepted West Virginia into the Union, this helped pave the way for the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution of 1865 and the official ending of slavery in the United States. The history of ADH24 is important to the families that have made their homes in Harpers Ferry, and there are oral histories of the property that have been passed down through generations of owners. According to those tales, the house held “contraband”, fugitive enslaved people... View Article
October 25, 2024 8:18 pm
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Harpers Ferry is a gorgeous village at the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers. Just up the road at the top of the ridge is the Harpers Ferry Historic District, home to varied buildings and stories with origins in the 1700s. One particularly interesting place is Amory Dwelling House #24 (ADH24). Built between 1810-1838, this property is one of the few remaining fully intact examples of dwelling houses from that era. We’re proud to say that we’ve received funding from the US Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS), Historic Preservation Fund, and Save America’s Treasures Grant to not only preserve the building but also explore its history further. Through the activities of the nonprofit People Tree Ministerial... View Article
October 13, 2021 2:36 pm
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Harpers Ferry was recently named one of the 26 most beautiful towns in America in an article in Conde Nast Traveler! If you’ve ever visited Lily Garden Bed & Breakfast here in Harpers Ferry, you know just how charming our town can be. Here’s what the publication had to say about our little town: “Harpers Ferry has a lot going on, geographically speaking. After all, it’s where West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland meet, and where the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers combine. The scenic junction and surrounding Harpers Ferry National Historical Park make for one very picturesque townscape, especially during those leafy autumn months. Meanwhile, the town offers constant historical tours (it was the site of John Brown’s raid) and the... View Article
July 1, 2020 9:42 pm
Published by Writer
Many people travel to Harpers Ferry, WV for the incredible hiking opportunities—and with the COVID-19 pandemic making other types of vacations less desirable, if not impossible, getting away to get out into nature can be the best way to get away from it all. As always, take the proper health precautions in addition to practicing hiking safety, and be prepared for potential delays or closures. Are you ready to explore Harpers Ferry through its hiking trails? Here are some of the best views you can find. Appalachian National Scenic Trail Harpers Ferry is the midpoint on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, which spans over 2,000 miles. You can hike all or part of the trail, depending on your stamina (and... View Article
June 17, 2020 9:42 pm
Published by Writer
Americans across the country—and people all around the world—have been cooped up for months in an attempt to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re one of the many who are going a little stir-crazy while stuck at home, you might consider a contactless bed and breakfast experience in Harpers Ferry, WV to get away from it all. While vacations will undoubtedly be different in the COVID-19 era and beyond, booking a stay at an apartment-style bed and breakfast is the perfect way to get a change of scenery while exploring the natural beauty of Harpers Ferry. COVID-19 travel recommendations and restrictions We’ve all heard that travel is restricted or banned during COVID-19—the more people stay home, the... View Article